If you are planning to take part in a Togs Training session, please start by answering the questions below. All information will be treated confidentially.
If you have answered ‘YES’ to one or more questions: Talk to your doctor by phone or in person before you start becoming more physically active and join a Togs Training class. Tell your doctor about the questionnaire and which question(s) you answered yes to. Talk with your doctor about the kind of activity you wish to participate in and follow his/her advice.
If you have answered ‘NO’ to all questions: You can be reasonably sure that you can start to become more physically active and take part in Togs Training sessions.
Please inform an instructor if there is any reason why you should not participate in an activity i.e. if you have an illness or an injury which might be aggravated by exercise. If, at any time, you feel undue pain or excessive discomfort stop the activity immediately and inform the instructor of your symptoms. You are free to withdraw from any activity at any time you wish.
I agree to take part in Togs Training sessions described and demonstrated to me by the instructor. The nature, purpose, risks and benefits have been explained to me and I understand what is required of me and that I may withdraw at any time.